Apple Podcasts Statistics

You may freely cite this data so long as you include a link back to this page and include the attribution, “Podcast Industry Insights courtesy of Daniel J. Lewis.”

Hover or tap any chart element below to see the raw numbers.

Our data is collected independently and updated nightly.


This data is an Insider exclusive! Please join or log in to view this data.


total valid podcasts
total episodes available in feeds

Insider’s API endpoint: /v1/applepodcasts/?fields=total,episodes

Valid podcasts are available in Apple Podcasts with downloadable episodes, regardless of age or active status. There have been many more podcasts and many more episodes, but they are not all still available through valid feeds due to feed-episode limits. This is also not the number of “active” podcasts.

Additions and Removals

added in the previous day
added in the last 30 days
added in the last 90 days

Insider’s API endpoint: /v1/applepodcasts/?fields=added,removed,reactivated

New podcasts are usually not added on the weekends or around holidays, but automatic removals or reactivations can occur any day.

removed in the previous day
removed in the last 30 days
removed in the last 90 days

Podcasts may be removed manually or automatically from Apple Podcasts for technical problems, hiding or removing by podcaster's choice, or policy violations. Apple does not remove valid podcasts for being inactive.

We subtract podcast removals from our “Totals” section above, but this chart shows the unadjusted monthly activity.
The current month's activity is still in progress. 

Detailed activity

3-day activity


Historic (Insider exclusive)

*We only recently started calculating 3-day activity, so historical activity is still accumulating.

7-day activity


Historic (Insider exclusive)

*We only recently started calculating 7-day activity, so historical activity is still accumulating.

10-day activity


Historic (Insider exclusive)

*We only recently started calculating 10-day activity, so historical activity is still accumulating.

14-day activity


Historic (Insider exclusive)

*We only recently started calculating 14-day activity, so historical activity is still accumulating.

30-day activity


Historic (Insider exclusive)

*We only recently started calculating 30-day activity, so historical activity is still accumulating.

60-day activity


Historic (Insider exclusive)

*We only recently started calculating 60-day activity, so historical activity is still accumulating.

90-day activity


Historic (Insider exclusive)

Insider’s API endpoint: /v1/applepodcasts/?fields=total,active,inactive

We define “active” as any podcast that has published at least one episode in the last 90 days, and “inactive” as any podcast that has not published any episode in that same time.

“Inactive” does not necessarily mean those shows are dead, podfaded, or podflashed. “Inactive” could include these along with shows that have been ended, retired, put on hiatus, or have an infrequent publishing schedule.

Top-level categories


This data is an Insider exclusive! Please join or log in to view this data.

Insider’s API endpoint: /v1/applepodcasts/categories/?parentsOnly=true

Apple Podcasts offers 110 categories, organized into top-level categories and subcategories. While podcasts can be listed in multiple categories, the first category is used as the primary. We're displaying only the top-level/parent categories for simplicity.

Latest activity windows


Historic (Insider exclusive)

Insider’s API endpoint: /v1/applepodcasts/?fields=episodeAges

How old is the newest episode from podcasts? This chart segments podcasts based on how recently the latest episode was published from each podcast. This is not charting the ages of all episodes.

Available episodes


Historic (Insider exclusive)

Insider’s API endpoint: /v1/applepodcasts/?fields=episodeCountsCond

Due to a variety of default feed-episode limits and podcasters' own choices, any feed with 10 or more episodes may not be showing the podcast's entire episode archive.

Where combined, the amounts are close to evenly split. 

90-day activity by episodes

Insider’s API endpoint: /v1/applepodcasts/?fields=episodeCounts

Due to a variety of default feed-episode limits and podcasters' own choices, accurate conclusions cannot be calculated based on podcasts with 10 or more episodes. While you may have heard some claim most podcasts don't go past their seventh episode, this data shows that a single episode is the largest hump most podcasts will face.